
Posts Tagged ‘Willow cat’

Last week’s rhythm was interrupted. I will attempt to return to some sense of normalcy.

I am thankful that tomorrow morning, eldest doesn’t have school so I can sleep in until about 7:30. YES!

I love these glasses that eldest made at camp last summer (the same camp where she made the glass heart):

Aren’t they pretty? They are also oddly shaped which makes them fun. Sort of wonky. It’s a bit of an adventure to put liquid into them.

I have never called her eldest before and it does sound kind of creepy. But I was being a little funny. Enough of that!

This spoon:

So, yeah, it’s there on the table, broken in two. WTF, twinkly? I’ll tell you wtf: this spoon is probably older than I am. I have now had it as my own for a long time. I don’t know why my mother might have parted with it. Maybe I pinched it from her without her knowledge, but I doubt it. I probably just asked her for it and she obliged. It is one of the oldest things I remember from kitchen-y things growing up. I love this spoon. I think it’s very cool that it has lasted for about 48 years and who knows how much older it is than that. It always reminds me of my mother’s spaghetti sauce, the best in the world. So there’s another thing I love: my ma’s spaghetti sauce. My kids love it, too.

The spoon broke about an hour ago. It has this great split in the ladle-y part and I wonder why it didn’t split in two before. And see, it didn’t break where that split was. That surprises me. What do you call the different parts of a spoon do you suppose? The handle, well, duh. The ladle? The scoop? The scoopy roundy? Wow, I just googled my Q and I did get an answer. That is so stupid: googled my Q.

Here’s something else, not so much that I love chocolate-covered bananas, because I don’t. I hate them. But because this is such an outrageous product with (don’t laugh) an outrageous package (so dumb, sorry). Yeah, I pass these on occasion in the ice cream aisle and finally I remembered my camera so I could photograph them. Yes, I do not own a blackberry-type device and rarely carry my cell phone, so I have to bring an old-fashioned digital camera. What a Luddite.

Is this insane or what? The monkeys are in diapers which is just wrong. I like though that it says it’s a healthy treat. And I like that the milk chocolate is SUPER THICK. So even though I don’t like chocolate-covered bananas, I would take super thick on its own merits.

I’ll have to update y’all on our Waldorf school Holiday Fair next week or so because that is part of what got waylaid. There’s a whole lot of thankful for that celebration every year, certainly enough for a dedicated post of its own.

I have a story to tell about our cat Willow, something that happened that Saturday before she died, but it’s sort of long and so I’m not going to tell it now. I sure still miss her and I cry a lot of the time when I drive past where she was hit, but not all of the time.

Whoa! Late-breaking Friday morning addition to this post: Hey, I got WAY LAID last night.

This is what comes to me in the middle of the night amidst my dark dreams and thoughts of my cat. How dumb is that? Still, in the name of puns, I couldn’t pass it up. Does anybody say laid any more? Is it a generational thing? Chris Smither and Johnny Cash and me.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all, but we just found our lovely Willow dead in the street.

She is now buried under the soft soil by the back fence and we will make a beautiful grave for her.

We were lucky to have had her for almost 2 years and lucky that the day is full of bright sunshine, the earth is not frozen, and that her body was whole. Just like that line from the book “The Accidental Tourist,” though, you can see that it’s not her any more, only her body. The essential part of her is gone, it’s so obvious, and there’s some comfort in that for me.

She was the most unique and kind cat I have ever had.

We love you Willow, always and forever.

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Buckle up, people, it’s a long one. It’s also a bit of a linkfest. Never been to a linkfest before? Here’s your chance.

YES YES YES YES I can’t stop it I am compelled to keep listening to these songs and isn’t that what Music Monday should be about?

After seeing Wilco at the end of June at the Solid Sound Festival at MASS MoCA, 2 members of my family went a little nuts and listened exclusively to Wilco for several weeks. It got so crazy that there had been talk of renaming our cat Willow, Wilco.

Only recently has the spell been broken, but it’s been cast on yours truly, the twinklinator.

This is the song, this is the one, these are the words, this is the Tweedy. Look, I am not too far a fan of self-indulgent guitar solos and for the most part this goes too far. But it’s fucking great in spite of and because of it. Paulie says this is pure Tom Verlaine-style and yes, I hear it, and it’s fucking beautiful.

Inside out of love, what a laugh, I was looking for you

The whole song encapsulates what addiction is about, or at least a particular aspect of it. Nails it.

and then there’s this

and this

and my latest favorite, the amazing “I Am Trying to Break Your Heart”

I am sure I don’t know what those all of the words mean except that they get to me.

Bible-black predawn and

I want to glide through those brown eyes dreaming,/ Take you from the inside, baby hold on tight

That gets to a girl, you know? Take you from the inside, baby hold on tight. Who writes like that? Tweedy, that’s who.

Yours to discover: Steven Colbert interviewing Jeff Tweedy around the time of the presidential run in ’08. Wilco performing on The Colbert Report on the same episode. Also this and this.

You know what I think I like most about Jeff Tweedy? You can’t sex him up. He’s old-school humble. It’s good to know that this still exists in this troubled world. Salt of the earth, a real mensch. Like you or me.

(Can you all believe how brilliant I am? That heart up there? Damn I’m good).

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