
Posts Tagged ‘JRR Tolkien’

How much can you say and in how many ways about the leaves of fall?

My camera has been taken from me, I have no fancy phone device with which to replace it. I can say that it has rained every day FOREVER, at least a little drizzle. Where is the sun? The leaves are all either a. green or b. yellow. Where are the crimsons, the vermillions, the intense oranges? What are some other words for the color orange? I know it’s cheesy when I do that, but I like to do it anyway. Just once in a while.

This is an autumnal song, but don’t you know, I NEVER knew it had Tolkien references in it because I was not a LOTR geek. Only realized it mentions Mordor and Golem after Hubby told me.

This is from last year, mid-October, a little later than today’s date, and before our Halloween-weekend snowstorm which took so many of our oaks and maples. This is taken on the campus of The Hartsbrook School, my kids’ old Waldorf school. Not bad, hunh? But you can see this was my old water-spot-on-the-lens camera.

Here, you can really tell that it’s later in the season. The Holyoke Range, October 2011:

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