
Posts Tagged ‘Big Brother’

this song is like

likeĀ  like

like heaven

like sex

like sex which my acupuncturist has forbidden me from having for at least 5 days, oh my god, not only penetration, but orgasm itself (really, it’s not so bad, 5 days. I’ve gone longer, much longer.* C’mon people. But having promised not to, I am more focused than I otherwise might have been, absence making the heart grow fonder and all)

like Richard Ashcroft’s lips and face oh my god

which are a good imitation of Jagger’s lips and face, don’t you think?

who cares if nothing else they ever did was any good? If you could write one song in your life and this was it, you’d have been successful for that one moment, that thing, that thing you shared with the world

unless, of course, you didn’t really write the song and then I wouldn’t care anyway because I love it and I can listen and dance and sing along without thinking about any of that

I even looked up how tall Richard Ashcroft is–5′ 10″–but he does look taller I suppose because he’s so lanky and if you say lanky enough, or even once, it starts to sound and feel pretty much like sex

He probably looks like shit now, even though he’s younger than me. I am sure if I ran into him on the street in London, like in the video, he would be recongnizably celebrity, even though that’s not a real word or phrase; you know, an aura of fame and beauty swirling around him, but he also might not be so beautiful as one likes to think, because isn’t that what persona and charisma, good camera work and lighting are all about?

just one drink from this song or maybe multiple drinks until I get my fill…..

*I googled** sexual frequency among women and some half-assed and/or conflicting info came up. My favorite was a graph that made no sense, but instead, hopefully to tickle your funny bone, I discovered these fabulous videos and even though this is Music Monday, I can’t resist sharing them with you on this very same day. Emily McCoombs is my new hero(ine)! I hope you get a kick out of her as much as I did! Exclamation point Exclamation point Exclamation point

I couldn’t choose my favorite, so you get to watch both, unless you don’t like to watch…..

**evil google, don’t you think? I do

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